The Challenge between two opinions
WEEK 4 • October 25, 2020 • Pastor Frank holland
Are you halting between two opinions? How long will you continue to do so? Forsake your idols. They are powerless. Money, your job, your family or whatever you put before God cannot gain you access to heaven.
tempted to remain stagnant
WEEK 3 • October 18, 2020 • Pastor Walter Spivey Jr.
Are we in a place where we aren’t moving forward? What about not moving at all? God wants more from us. He has a better life planned for us, but we need to knock the stink off and grab what His plans are for our life!
Understanding the Challenge
WEEK 2 • October 11, 2020 • Dan Bernethy
No matter what direction you take, what temptation surrounds you, or what obstacles are in your path, the Bible gives clear instructions for success: Keep your focus on Jesus. Look to Him alone as your example and your guide. Spend every minute of every day in His presence—and you'll find supernatural peace and security, no matter what you're facing in life.
“Awaken” Trust him in battle
WEEK 1 • October 4, 2020 • PASTOR Frank Holland
With everything that's going on, everyone's faith is being tested right now in one way or another. One known fact is that no matter how long we've been a follower of Jesus, you are not exempt from having your faith tested. When your faith is tested, how is your view of God?