Easter at DCLV

WEEK 2 • April 12, 2020 • PASTOR FRANK HOLLAND

Many of us have been holding our breaths, waiting to see what will happen. Will we be back in church on Easter? Will we be able to gather? How will we celebrate?

With isolation guidelines being extended, Easter will look a little different from normal this year. But, we can still celebrate, even from home. Christ has risen!



who do you trust?

WEEK 3 • April 19, 2020 • PASTOR FRANK HOLLAND

Who do you trust? One person that we can always rely on and put our trust into is God.



Grace is Sufficient

WEEK 4 • April 26, 2020 • PASTOR FRANK HOLLAND

His grace is not a soft rain rinsing away the issue. It is a turbulent, roaring river that knocks you off your feet and navigates you into the presence of God.